Working on my next zine: about memory loss and the time I had the worst case of chickenpox the neighborhood had ever seen
Let’s start with the month’s muses!
Immersive movie without dialogue, moving and powerful, open to multiple interpretations, whimsical, can’t say enough. I want everyone to watch this.
My friend’s wonderful poem at an art show this past month.

Spinning Updates

I’m hoping to build up SOME inventory of spun yarn to pass on to friends without charge for them to use / experiment with. I don’t want to charge yet because I am such a beginner and want honest feedback about if it works well.
What I’m making right now doesn’t seem ideal for crochet or knit (it doesn’t feel tight enough) … but I’d love to see in it weaving or installation work. Let me know if you’re interested in some.
Set up Hospital Show

Attended a Zine Workshop hosted by my friends who run the Circling newsletter.

This workshop in Memphis was magical. We learned to make a zine from one page of paper and had prompts of what we could write about or focus in if you weren’t sure. I made a zine on being land locked, which is something that has deeply affected me more than I would realize. My physical longings for water, the sea, the ocean. Particularly the seas I grew up with, though.
I made another on memory loss, which I am hoping to make more in a similar direction. I felt like this medium lent itself to that particular topic within me.
Two of my online friends turned into real-life friends which was delightful.

The middle photo is a segment of my next painting that is eighteen feet long. I began unrolling canvas and it ended around eighteen feet. I’ve been wanting a physical challenge, but also am not in a rush to finish.
I have found three dead birds this spring outside my friend’s big house. They must be flying into the windows. I have been placing them in special places, not fully burying them, but leaving them to the Earth.
My favorite iris is blooming, too. The only one this color.
Have a great month!